the times, like the leaves, are a changing

Monday, March 15, 2010


Just because you can, doesn't always mean you should. (Sent from my iPhone @ 5:38am)

So I'm on my way back from Tampa this morning and what do I see? One of those damned grocery-getters, a.k.a. a Minivan, with that stupid sticker indicating how many frickin kids, pets and whatever else you have the gall to advertise on your rear window. I mean come on, is this really necessary? Does anyone, other than you, care to have the knowledge of your reproductivity and pet accumulation practices? Short answer, NO!

This brings me to another point that's extremely relevant in the discussion of why the census and birth control (human and animal) are necessary; to keep track of the, as I call them, "Squanderers of Fortune". These are the people who usually bitch about abortion being wrong and immoral yet they won't attempt to adopt an already starving child somewhere else in the world because of their vanity veiled with the excuse of " I want my family name to be carried on". Ok, ok, I'll grant you the argument that it's human nature for us to be wired to spread the seed of your loins, but in a world where we're supposed to be evolved and not let our carnal and primitive wiring overrun our more sophisticated sensibilities, this smacks of just plain selfishness. If you want to be a pillar of morality, go to an orphanage and adopt those who were abandoned and give them a loving home. I bet you 9 times out of 10 that kid is going to grow up and pay it forward because he or she was given that same chance.

I know I kind of got of the original subject, but that needed to be said. I find this pactice of spawning unnecessarily another hidden face of our social conditioning that is both perpetuating and repugnant.

Does everyone have a right to take more than what they're owed for what they put in? I don't think anyone would agree with that statement and say yes. That being the case, why is it that people do it everyday? For a society that professes to separate itself from the primates with the defining diffeence found in our ability to "intellectually reason", why is it that we can't seem to follow a basic thought process and keep our legs closed to avoid further erosion and watering-down of the human race? I mean it's to the point where we're breeding for breedings sake. Ande let me tell ya, we aren't being selective enough with the gene pool. Not everyone can be a rocket scientist, but can we honestly say we need more sub-mediocrity? I'd say from the look of our socio-econo-political sphere that we have enough synapsss gridlock.

So yes I'll admit that I want these serial breeders tracked, called out and shamed for their taxing of our sybiotic balance with the planetary and man-made resources that we produce from the former. If I had my way we'd live in a society where you're not permitted to have more than two children. Oh wait, didn't China already do that? Umm, yeah (admittedly late though).

Screw the whiners who'll say "you can't take my right away to procreate!" To those selfish ones, I propose a higher child tax and steeper penalties for every one you spit out after the second.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is, those of us who can 'intellectually reason' the pros and cons of procreation aren't having children or allowed to adopt to ensure the critical rationale is passed on. Instead, it's left to the brain-dead half-wits to continue procreating time and time again--raising children in environments that aren't going to optimize the tools they walk into the world with.
