the times, like the leaves, are a changing

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sad Day

I can't even write about this one today. Just go here to my friend John's blog.

Wake up, grow up and teach your children not to hate America.

Monday, September 27, 2010

More Space Junk?

Instead of launching more crap into orbit to "check" on all the junk we've left up there, why dont we find a way to collect the crap and stop polluting beyond our means? Spending almost a billion dollars on a space junk hall monitor, I mean really.

Just saying.

Twamps = Teen Vampires

After reading this, first, let me say this is some BS!

Ok I have a healthy interest in all things supernatural, even the vampire and werewolf myths, but this whole "I'm gonna bite you thing to feel closer to you" is insane and in my opinion another example of our society going to the crapper due to the marketing and sensationalism of this recent movie, TV and fictional book trend.

I can get how some of these teens today find solace in a book about love between "different" beings, because they're feeling lonely and brooding about what they can't have themselves or are misunderstood. Let's face it, we all went through it at some point and most of us still are to some degree. But guess what, we dealt with it and moved on. We didn't create or try to live the fantasies that we read because we were more realistic than these twamps living a "dream". We knew we would be committed for being crazy or even worse, not be taken seriously. I know i probably sound old and conservative by saying that but I like reality and until we find some sort of other humanoid life out there that we're compatible with, I'm calling foul.

Just because you find it hard to live in the real world and deal with things as they come does not mean you have to go off the deep end to pretend you're a vampire and even further, suck someone's blood. That's just nasty.

It really seems like parents not spending enough time with their kids forcing them to grow up by themselves unsupervised and whet do they do, they begging living an unsustainable life. They get everything they desire just to shut them up and not disturb mommy or daddy. This "upbringing" will inevitably lead to a dangerous future where reality and fantasy will not be separated in our kid's minds.

Kids, grow up. your damned job!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Green News!

The Near Future

Finally! someone's got the stones to start trying on a mass scale. Congrats to the Brits for taking a step forward. Now lets clean up and streamline the effort between government and the private sector on the need and production so we can stop destroying the environement. Next step...Orbital Elevators!

More "Psycho Talk"

Land of the Lost

As Mr. Ed Schultz from MSNBC's the Ed Show would say, "more psycho talk". The saddest thing about this is not only that they're just crazy and trying to re-write history, it's that since it is one of the biggest textbook markets the publishers will likely bow to their demands which affects the rest of the civilized and free thinking people in this country. It should not be that when the Texas Board of Education whines about the Christian faith being bashed or in their view, unfairly represented, that we should all have to suffer and not learn the truth about what really happened in our past. I'm all for truthful representation, but these people are hiding their faith behind when they truly harbor very un-Christian feelings about the people of the religion they seek to discredit.

They cry about communism and socialism taking over their lives from the white house, but isn't this one of their governing bodies attempting to control what people learn and think? in my opinion the people behind this are racially motivated to make non-white (by their definition) muslims the villians in an attempt to hang on to the last vestiges of social relavance and power they once had over the thinking of a country who has become more and more dispossessed with radical and controlling religious institutions. You know, the control and influence the founders of this country were running away from in the form of the British Empire?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pontificating Poisonous Pontiffs

So today, the pope, while visiting the UK (Scotland to be more exact) compared atheism to Nazism. Hmm...interesting.

I'll get to that in a minute.

What's more telling and interesting to me is who he surrounds himself with. A self professed peace bringer is flanked by one of his senior aides, Cardinal Walter Kasper, who spoke these demeaning and thinly veiled racist words in an interview with a German magazine:
 "England today is a secularised, pluralistic country. When you land at Heathrow Airport, you sometimes think you'd landed in a Third World country."
This reminds me of a conversation I heard about at my gym last week (I'm sad I missed, but heard about) when a guy asked where FIU (Florida International University) was located. He was answered that it was on the east coast somewhere in Miami. To which our resident "crazy" man (we really think this man needs help) responds, and I'm paraphrasing, that "that sounds right since it's more 'internantional over there'. A friend of mine reminded him that he may want to be more careful and sensitive with his choice of words telling him his statement was "borderline racist". Crazy man (aka Ree Ree) shoots back "I'm not a racist I'm just a redneck"

What does that even mean? That you can say that and are absolved of it because you don't know any better? Or better yet, that since you think only other white people are listening that you can say it because you think they're on your side.

You may be asking why I'm telling this story? It's because there's a huge group of people out there who subscribe to this thinking. I'm not saying they need to change who they are, I'm just saying they need to man up and really say what's on their mind and stop pussyfooting around how they really feel about non-white people who are increasing in numbers. I get it, you're scared because society is evolving and you're starting to feel like and endangered species. Problem is we're all increasingly not caring about color but the actual person and their own merits.

The once majority and quickly becoming the minority have a problem with this because they feel like their world is being taken from them. well guess what folks? I have news for was never yours to claim. whether it's London or Miami or whether your people are indigenous to the area or not, EVERYONE, no matter what race color or creed, has a right to be there and live without fear of discrimination or persecution because they don't happen to look like you. If you happen to believe in a god you'll have to agree that "it" created the world and the people in it to co-exist, not to divide and fracture the landscape for a groups personal gain.

I'll finish by commenting the pope's discussion about atheism with some of the same advice for him.

First, leave atheists alone. Just because they haven't drank the kool-aid, bow down to invisible people in the sky and don't happen to believe what you do, doesn't make them bad people and they certainly shouldn't be judged on the previous actions of other supposed atheists. It's not your place to force any one religion or view on these people.

Secondly, we all know about your involvement in questionable activities and the racket you've got going on with your palatial living, fear mongering and divisive messages. Give it a rest. You can't blame anyone but yourself and the empire the catholic church has built on the backs of faithful believers. It was destined to fall and get back to its roots. Mother Theresa live a frugal and service filled life, why can't you and the rest of your cronies?

Last bit of advice, admit your guilt now and ask for forgiveness if you ever want to have a chance at salvation here on earth or in whatever heaven you believe you'll be granted access to.

Jesus wasn't a Facebook friend collector, so what are you trying to be? Answer: You and the other power brokers of religion want the power to control the masses if only to squelch the alternative views of the minority but more likely to hide your misdeeds and severe un-christian-like behavior.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tricksy Subsidies?

Drain-O anyone?

Of all the whining I've been hearing about the government having to much to do with the common person's life, not often do you hear about where your tax dollars are really going. This story is a case that if looked at close enough should merit further investigation as to where and how our money is actually being spent. Are all of those billions of dolllars that we've spent over the years in the name of defense actually going to R&D of Pentagon ready receivables? Or, in actuality, are we playing the shell game and subsidizing a private company's civilian division? Seems a little shifty and opaque to me. i want to see the checkbook register on this one.

This is what happens when industry gets too big to fail. Who's getting richer and benefiting? Yeah, not you or me. You know, the little guys.

Mr. Adams was right!

Words more true now than ever...

“America goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benign' sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.”

—John Quincy Adams, US House, 7/4/1821

Last I checked, the United States was still on the North American continent

Maybe Tea Partiers
do have something in
common with tea bags
They're both used up
and used to getting soaked!
The Tea Party has made headlines around the country for months, with pundits fascinated by the spectacle of mostly older, mostly white, mostly angry conservative activists demanding that President Barack Obama "give their country back". - BBC News

My question is where do you think it went (without your knowledge) and who took it? You can’t be serious that you “think”, and I use that term loosely with this band of numbnuts, that the president did this.

Hey, cranky old white people! Yeah I’m talking to you. Take a look at those other young and cranky old white people, and the puppets they string along in office that YOU put in the congress. They’re the ones who are screwing you over royally with their self interested votes.

Again…WAKE UP!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Earthlings are in a bad way...

We all wonder why the world is in the state it is. Well, it's because we're all less charitable and appreciative of the human spirit than we used to be (myself included). I'm not going to preach, but we ALL really need to be better to eachother. Charity breeds peace and prosperity, selfishness brings war and poverty.

Think about it :-/